
While our website showcases a large assortment of our products, it does not reflect the complete inventory of products currently available. For real-time availability and to ensure we can meet your specific needs, please contact our sales team at 1-800-328-1842. New products arrive daily and our knowledgeable staff are happy to assist you in locating the exact item(s) you need.

JE 10372M D 150HP 460/575V 3-Coil Auto Transformer

JE Auto Transformer: Cat# 10372M D, 150 horsepower, 460/575 volt, 3 coil, open type, taps: 0%, 50%, 65%, 80%, 100%. Sold Used Electrically OK.
SKU: 10372MD

Neco-Hammond 29401C1.0 100HP 480V 2-Coil Auto Transformer

Neco-Hammond (Manufactured for Westinghouse) Auto Transformer: Cat# 29401C1.0, 100 horsepower, 480 volt, 2 coil, open type, taps: 0%, 50%, 65%, 80%, 100%. Sold Used Electrically Ok.
SKU: 29401C1.0

Neco-Hammond 29401C1.5 150HP 480V 2-Coil Auto Transformer

Neco-Hammond (Manufactured for Westinghouse) Auto Transformer: Cat# 29401C1.5 / 553D124G48, 150 horsepower, 480 volt, 2 coil, open type, taps: 0%, 50%, 65%, 80%, 100%. Sold Used Electrically OK.
SKU: 29401C1.5

Westinghouse 1747029 50HP 440V 2-Coil Auto Transformer

Westinghouse Auto Transformer: Cat# 1747029, 50 horsepower, 480 volt, 2 coil, open type, taps: 0%, 50%, 67%, 84%, 100%. Sold Used Electrically OK.
SKU: 1747029

Westinghouse 553D123G36 100-125HP 220V 2-Coil Auto Transformer

Westinghouse Auto Transformer: Cat# 553D123G36, 100-125 horsepower, 220 volt, 2 coil, open type, taps: 0%, 50%, 67%, 84%, 100%. Sold Used Electrically OK.
SKU: 553D123G36

Westinghouse 553D124G57 125HP 480V 2-Coil Auto Transformer

Westinghouse Auto Transformer: Cat# 29401C1.5 / 553D124G48, 125 horsepower, 480 volt, 2 coil, open type, taps: 0%, 50%, 65%, 80%, 100%. Sold Used Electrically Ok.
SKU: 553D124G57

EMSCO has been specializing in used and refurbished auto-transformer options for over 72 years. Need help identifying the auto-transformers you need to replace, use our website to find it.