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AFP MSA3-1478-6-048-130 200HP 480V 3-Coil Auto Transformer

AFP Auto Transformers LLC: Cat# MSA3-1478-6-048-130, 200 horsepower, 480 volt, 3 coil, 246 full load amps, 1178 locked rotor amps (LRA). Part# 840011981, customer part# MA3-1478-6-0480, NEMA medium, open type, taps: 0%, 50%, 65%, 80%, 100%. Sold Used Electrically OK.
SKU: MSA3-1478-6-048-130

Allen Bradley X-298740NE 200HP 480V 3-Coil Auto Transformer

Allen Bradley Auto Transformer: Cat# X-298740NE, 200 horsepower, 480 volt, 3 coil, open type, taps: 0%, 50%, 65%, 80%, 100%. Used Electrically OK.
SKU: X-298740NE

GE CR9194-U100A3A-30301-C1.50 150HP 460V 3-Coil Auto Transformer

General Electric Auto Transformer: Cat# CR9194-U100A3A-30301-C1.50, 150 horsepower, 460 volt, 3 coil, open type, taps: 0%, 50%, 65%, 80%, 100%. Sold Used Electrically Ok.
SKU: CR9194-U100A3A-C0301-C1.50

GE CR9194-W100A3A-30301-C2.00 200HP 460V 3-Coil Auto Transformer

General Electric Auto Transformer: Cat# CR9194-W100A3A-30301-C2.00, 200 horsepower, 460 volt, 3 coil, open type, taps: 0%, 50%, 65%, 80%, 100%. Sold Used Electrically OK.
SKU: CR9194-W100A3A-30301-C2.00

GTE Sylvania/Clark 400HP 480V 3-Coil Auto Transformer

GTE Sylvania / Clark Control Inc Auto Transformer: Type ST, Cat# TR63-18, 400 horsepower, 460 volt, 3 coil, 60Hz, open type, medium duty, taps: 0%, 50%, 65%, 80%, 100%. Sold Used Electrically Okay.
SKU: ST-TR63-16

Hammond 3009C1. 100HP 480V 3-Coil Auto Transformer

Hammond Auto Transformer: Cat# 3009C1., 100 horsepower, 480 volt, 3 coil, open type, taps: 0%, 50%, 65%, 80%, 100%. Used Electrically OK.
SKU: 3009C1.

Hevi-Duty 200HP 440/480V 3-Coil Auto Transformer

Hevi-Duty Auto Transformer: Cat# K2ST200A, 200 horsepower, 440/480 volt, 3 coil, open type, taps: 0%, 50%, 65%, 80%, 100%. Sold Used Electrically OK.

JE 10372M D 150HP 460/575V 3-Coil Auto Transformer

JE Auto Transformer: Cat# 10372M D, 150 horsepower, 460/575 volt, 3 coil, open type, taps: 0%, 50%, 65%, 80%, 100%. Sold Used Electrically OK.
SKU: 10372MD

Sta-Rite Industries 350HP 375A 1550KVAR 480V 3-Coil Motor Starting Reactor

Sta-Rite Industries Inc. Transformer: Div Ser# 275792176, 150 horsepower, 480 volt, 3 coil, open type, taps: 0%, 50%, 65%, 80%, 100%. Sold Used Electrically OK.
SKU: 275792176

EMSCO has been specializing in used and refurbished auto-transformer options for over 72 years. Need help identifying the auto-transformers you need to replace, use our website to find it.